Saturnino Herrán’s portable murals: symbolism, material agency and conservation


Alegoría de la construcción and Alegoría del trabajo were the first mural paintings commissioned to Saturnino Herrán (1887–1918), and they occupied a significant place in one of the most important schools in Mexico. The non-invasive methodology employed included different documentation phases and in situ multi-technique analyses. Hyperspectral imaging and digital radiography were used for a general characterization of the materials and were complemented with localized analyses by portable microscopy, and XRF and FORS spectroscopies. A complete identification of the original and the restoration palettes was achieved. Results from this work allowed us to understand the production context, painting technique, and conservation state, thus providing insights for the proper conservation of these murals, while also unveiling a new perception of the artist and his historical place among the muralist movement.

» Publication Date: 02/04/2024

» Source: Springerlink

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


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