A huge percentage of the recent European cultural heritage (CH) can be found in movies, photographies, posters and slides produced between 1895 and 1970 were made using cellulose derivates. More than 75 years of visual and audio memories are in serious danger to be lost due to the natural instability cellulose acetate (CA).
Conservators consider two approaches when planning treatments to extend the useful lifetime of cultural materials:
preventive or passive and active or interventive. But in case of cellulose derivates and other components of the
movie or photos, once initiated, degradation cannot be prevented, reversed or stopped, but only inhibited or
slowed. Inhibitive conservation of cellulose derivates can either involve the removal or reduction of factors causing
degradation including light, oxygen, acids, fungus and relative humidity among others, as well as cost-sensitive
processes such as freeze.
NEMOSINE improves the traditional storage solutions, such as freeze storage (below 5ºC), by developing an
innovative package with the main goal of energy saving and extent conservation time. NEMOSINE will develop:
High O2 barrier and Active packaging using non-odour additives, Active acid adsorbers based on functionalized
Metal Organic Framework (MOFs) integrated in innovative structures, Gas detection sensors to monitoring AA,
O2 & NO, Multi-scale modelling to correlate degradation & sensors signals, Packaging with modular design to
fulfil the technical & economical requirements of the different CH made by cellulose derivates.
The innovative potential of NEMOSINE is enhanced by the strong industrial composition of the NEMOSINE consortium (7 partners out of 16; 6 of them SMEs and 1 large company). The industrial partners are supported by relevant end-users/SSH organizations in the CH EU field (OEAW, CULTURARTS, DIF and ALINARI). with powerful active relations with several national and international networks.
AIMPLAS’ fields of work are related to technological research and development on thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials & products, its transformation processes and their recyclability and sustainability.
Evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, and economic benefits for society. ;Contribute to the promotion and application of research results. ;Develop scientific information. ;Support research training. ;Participate in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and its potential for evolution in order to develop a national policy.
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal. Since its creation in 1911, IST’s mission is to contribute to the development of society by providing top quality higher education, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as developing Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities to allow it to provide teaching in line with the highest international standards.
FCT NOVA is organized in 14 Departments and 14 Research Support Services, with suitable structures, infrastructures, facilities and qualified 16 R&D Units (evaluated by the Portuguese Science Foundation, 3 of them as Exceptional and 4 as Excellent), spin-off incubator (Madan Parque), interface institute (UNINOVA) and devoted managing structure to managing R&D+I projects (NOVA.id.FCT).
IPC is the Technical Industrial Centre of the French plastics and composites industry cluster, with more than 3000 SMEs directly connected to IPC. As such, IPC is in charge of providing the plastics and composites industry cluster with innovative and high added value facilities and manufacturing pilot lines, cutting edge expertise and services.
Promethean Particles (PROM) is a UK-based SME that designs and develops inorganic nanomaterials in liquid dispersions. The company technology is based on a patented reactor system that allows truly continuous hydrothermal synthesis of inorganic nanoparticles for the first time (patent WO2005077505). PROM design and develop inorganic nanoparticle dispersions for industrial customers and then manufacture commercial quantities at our pilot plant.
Akumplast is an SME, established in 1985 in Dobrich, Bulgaria. The main activities of Akumplast are: Injection molding of plastics /ABS, PS, PC, PP copolymer and homopolymer, PE-LD, PE-HD, PA/; Production of injection moulds; Compounding and Recycling. Injection molding machines are with molding capacities ranging between 0.001to4 kg. The products of the company are: Plastics sets for starter batteries; Plastics crates for drink and food; Technical parts.
Biosensor is a SME at limited responsibility founded in 2003. Biosensor works in the field of production and commercialization of sensors and biosensors. Most of Biosensor’s production is focus on the design, fabrication and product engineering of miniaturized modular portable instruments suitable for a variety of applications, especially for environmental applications.
VISUM Ltd. is an optical engineering company from Dublin that specializes in the development and commercialization of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)-based portable and inline analyzers and measurement systems for process monitoring and quality control applications in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical applications.
Nanopharma, a.s. is a Czech-based technology SME operating in the area of nanomaterials engineering. Founded in 2008, the company started developing reproducible and scalable electrospinning technologies for preparation of biocompatible nanofiber-based materials. Later on, the company started developing nanofiber-based applications for biomedicine, but also other industrial areas such as agriculture, textile, cosmetics, food, packaging, and many others.
Modisprem S.A., is a company specializing in the processing of
plastic foam:
• We start from foam material.
• We study solutions and customised applications.
• We make the product according to customer needs.
We believe in a holistic approach to conservation. Working in partnership with conservators from museums, libraries and archives around the world enables us to offer a wide range of high quality products. Our commitment to product development, design and innovation drives our manufacturing. So from multi million pound installations to a simple album page, choose the partner who constantly raises the standard.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) is Austria’s central nonuniversity research and science institution. Founded in 1847 as a learned society, today the OeAW has over 770 members and 1,450 employees dedicated to innovative basic research, interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of new insights with the aim of contributing to progress in science and society as a whole.
To achieve a higher administrative coordination and a closer work relationship between the different cultural areas, CulturArts consists of and assume the responsibilities in subjects of Music, Audiovisual and Cinematography (IVAC), Theatre and Dance, Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods (IVC+R) and Castelló Cultural, which inform the sub-directorates of Institut Valencià de Cultura.
The Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum was founded in 1949 and is the oldest and one of the most important institutions in the Federal Republic for the collection, archiving and academic utilisation of films and filmhistorical documentation, as well as for the transmission of film culture and film literacy. It is a recognised non-profit institution and is supported by both public funds and private benefactors.
Founded in Florence in 1852, Fratelli Alinari is the oldest firm in the world working in the field of photography, the image and communication. The birth of photography and the story of the Firm go hand in hand in their development and growth, as attested to by the immense Alinari owned fund of 5.000.000 photographs. This fund is continuously growing and, thanks to a rational policy of new acquisitions and new photographic campaigns, it ranges from daguerreotypes to modern color photos.
Market leader in innovation and funding consultancy focused on helping others realise their innovation. PNO is specialised in the full cycle of innovation management, providing tailored support in each step of the innovation process. Innovation project development aims at turning promising innovation ideas and connections, to open innovation opportunities, into feasible project concepts.
Experts in the field of products used to store and protect the most valuable collections of Polish and European archiving and cultural institutions, libraries and museums. Manufacturers of standard boxes and folders as starting point, BESKIDPLUS also design unusual products to meet the solutions for any storage need.