Complete list of materials, publications and activities of the NEMOSINE PROJECT.
The NEMOSINE project is coming to an end, and therefore preparing for the Final Workshop where the solutions and the innovative package for the 20th century cultural heritage preservation will be show-cased and discussed.
Topics of discussion as MOFs, Acetic absorbers, sensors and wireless solutions for preservation of cultural heritage will be taken into account. Moreover, the experiences of the archives and other partners participating in this H2020 founded project will be shared with the audience.
The workshop will take place on the 25th of May, 2022 at 09:00 -12:00 in AIMPLAS, Plastics Technological Centre, Valencia (Spain).
The NEMOSINE project is entering its final stage, and significant results have been gathered. Special online training sessions are organised in October for scientists, technicians, researchers, and other interested public to foster knowledge transfer.
Do you want to know more about NEMOSINE? Click below and register for free for the upcoming events:
For further information about the contents, and speakers read our Special Newsletter #4 and follow us on Linkedin and Twitter
Last 1st of July, NEMOSINE celebrated its 42 months General Assembly!
AIMPLAS, the project coordinator, virtually hosted the meeting where partners presented and discussed the main progress, achievement and outputs reached in the last semester.
Special attention was dedicated to planning the upcoming activities focused on validating and demonstrating the research results.
Presentation by Kerstin Herlt from DFF
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Presentation by Nadja Wallaszkovits from OEAW
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Presentation by Ignacio Lahoz from Institut Valencià de Cultura
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To establish the requirements for packages for the film (heritage) sector, a survey has been designed and spread to a larger group of respondents in January 2019. The aim was to gather more detailed and more qualitative as well as quantitative information about the quantity and composition of holdings, packages in use, environmental conditions and storage concepts, preservation status and how it is assessed, preservation problems and actual measures to deal with such, as well as requests and needs to improve the long-time storage conditions of the respective materials.
The survey was shared with members of the International Federation of Film Archives - FIAF and the Association des Cinémathèques Européennes (ACE) as well as smaller local and regional archives, private collections, foundations, universities, film schools; museums with mixed media collection; experts & service providers; film festivals; stock footage and commercial film libraries; television archives and service providers. In toal, the survey was shared with more than 200 institutions and indivduals.
Summary of the results obtained in the survey about preservation problems and actual measures to deal with such, as well as requests and needs to improve the long-time storage conditions of the respective materials.
Visual1st is the premier conference for the imaging ecosystem, focused on promoting innovation and partnerships in the photo and video ecosystem, hosting executives and entrepreneurs at photo and video app development startups, mobile device vendors, carriers, cloud storage providers, software companies, print product providers, camera manufacturers, and many others. At the conference it was promoted by Andrea de Polo a novel idea to convert still images into videoclips and along the way it was show the attached slides to the audience. Several contacts with museum and libraries where made... Ongoing discussion to enlarge the project also to non European institution was considered. More to follow....
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AIMPLAS will present a poster of NEMOSINE in EuroNanoForum 2019, in order to find opportunities for discussions on cross-sectorial challenges focusing on both the industrial application of research results and future strategic research priorities in the area of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials of the Horizon 2020 NMBP Programme and beyond.
Based on the success of the two previous EuroMOF conferences organized in Postdam (2015) and Delft (2017), more than 450 researchers in the field of MOFs, COFs and porous polymers from all over the world are expected to join us for a new edition of the EuroMOF 2019 conference. The conference will be held in Paris (France) the 27th-30th of October 2019.
From NEMOSINE, partner IST Lisboa will attend to this event with an abstract. See:
The plastics heritage congress 2019
Under the aegis of the Plastics Heritage European Association (PHEA), the Portuguese Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT) will host the Plastics Heritage Congress 2019. This congress aims to address plastics history and heritage by encouraging papers that contribute to a deeper understanding of the socioeconomic culture and material culture of historic polymeric materials (HIPOMS) in their various representations and functions in society.
From NEMOSINE, partner NOVA ICT will attend to this event with a poster. See:
The event is anticipating approx. 1000 participants from Europe and across the globe and offers opportunities for discussions on cross-sectorial challenges focusing on both the industrial application of research results and future strategic research priorities in the area of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials of the Horizon 2020 NMBP Programme and beyond.
From NEMOSINE, coordinator AIMPLAS will attend to this event with a poster. See:
15-16 November. Brussels. NEMOSINE Project was presented in the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage. This key event in the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, research and innovation are combined with policy, arts and society. The event will highlight how to make cultural heritage a driver for innovation and creativity to improve our lives, our cities, the environment and the international dialogue.
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Event on nano technology and H2020 co-organized by ECHOS EU framework project and ABI (Italian National Bank association), hosted in Rome, Italy
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Nanomaterials and advanced solutions for the restoration of Cultural Heritage. Recent achievements obtained in the framework of three EU-funded projects, NANORESTART, NANOCATHEDRAL, and INNOVACONCRETE was presented. These projects are focused on the development of new affordable, sustainable and cost-effective solutions for the conservation of cultural heritage. The NANORESTART project is focused on the synthesis of novel poly-functional nanomaterials and on the development of highly innovative restoration techniques to address the conservation of a wide variety of materials largely used by contemporary artists. In fact, contemporary art is a major challenge for conservators since there is a significant lack of established conservation methodologies that can safely tackle the often extremely fast degradation of materials used by contemporary artists. In NANOCATHEDRAL, innovative materials, such as nanoparticle based consolidants and proper polymer nanocomposite-based coatings have been assessed and tested for the consolidation and protection of stone architectural heritage. The research is enriched by the environmental impact assessment of the new materials, to ensure development of sustainable and compatible materials and methods. INNOVACONCRETE aims at preserving concrete-based monuments, the most significant, tangible, cultural heritage in the 20 th century. An innovative approach based on producing in situ, by impregnation treatments, C-S-H gel, which is responsible for the engineering.
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Rochester, NY: Photohistory conference: from 2D to video (and NEMOSINE slides). Presentation
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