European Green Capital 2020 and European Green Leaf 2019 Award Ceremony

About 70% of Europeans now live in towns and cities and this number is predicted to rise. Urban areas are therefore affected by most of our social and environmental challenges, while also being committed to resolving them. Finding a way to make the most of our cities' diverse cultural heritage plays an important role in overcoming this challenge. For instance, tourism, if not managed well, can have adverse long term effects and negatively impact quality of life.


Millions of visitors

The European Green Capital and European Green Leaf (for smaller cities) Awards showcase cities that have made outstanding progress in reconciling environmental, social and economic pressures. The winners are inspiring role models.  Take Essen, 2017's European Green Capital. Up to 1986, a total of 240 million tonnes of coal had been produced in the city's Zollverein Coal Mi

» Place: Nijmegen

» Source: European Year of Cultural Heritage

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico - València Parc Tecnològic - Gustave Eiffel, 4 - 46980 Paterna - Valencia, SPAIN
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