In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the NEMOSINE project topic.

11/10/2019 - Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean to update Tentative Lists
04/03/2020 - International Workshop: Building together the future of heritage sites in the Balkans
17/02/2020 - Third Cycle Periodic Reporting: Training Workshop for Anglophone World Heritage Site Managers in Nairobi
28/01/2020 - Meeting of World Heritage site managers “World Heritage – protection, interpretation, use”
16/01/2020 - International Experts Meeting - Heritage in Urban Contexts: Impacts of Development Projects on World Heritage properties in Cities
15/01/2020 - International Experts Meeting: Heritage in Urban Contexts: Impacts of Development Projects on World Heritage properties in Cities
13/12/2019 - 10th seminar of the UNESCO Chair and of the UNITWIN UNESCO Network "Culture, Tourism, Development"
20/11/2019 - V European Meeting of World Heritage Associations
13/11/2019 - Workshop on marine World Heritage in Komodo National Park
13/11/2019 - Heritage, World Heritage, and the Future: Perspectives on Scale, Conservation and Dialogue
17/10/2019 - Workshop on Improved Use of Tentative Lists in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
02/08/2019 - Asian Regional Course on People-Nature-Culture 2019
19/07/2019 - Arctic World Heritage Conference: Managing complexity – the way forward for World Heritage in the Arctic Region
19/07/2019 - Save the date: next ICOMOS statutory meetings in Morocco (Oct. 2019)
19/07/2019 - First Baltic Sea World Heritage Summit
25/07/2019 - Technical meeting: Transboundary cooperation for protecting the Cubango-Okavango River Basin and improving the integrity of the Okavango Delta World Heritage property
29/08/2019 - Modern Cities Forum
19/09/2019 - Harnessing the power of World Heritage for a better future: World Heritage and the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
09/09/2019 - Heritage and the Future: Perspectives on Scale, Conservation and Dialogue - with a special focus on World Heritage
05/03/2020 - ICOMOS 20th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
Events: 331 - Nº Pages 17
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


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