Born in the past – used today – preserved for the future

The 7th European Congress on the "Use, Management and Conservation of Buildings of Historical Value: Born in the Past – Used Today – Preserved for the Future“ will take place in the Imperial Palace Vienna.

The congress will be dedicated to the economic significance of cultural heritage, examples of successful management of cultural heritage and effective management tools.


  • Enhancing technical expertise concerning the use, management and conservation of historically significant buildings
  • Raising public awareness for conflicting interests between operators, users and monument protection organisations
  • Creating an added economic valu

    » Place: Vienna

    » Source: European Year of Cultural Heritage

    « Go to Technological Watch

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico - València Parc Tecnològic - Gustave Eiffel, 4 - 46980 Paterna - Valencia, SPAIN
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