4th World Heritage Marine Managers Conference

Every three years, managers of the 50 marine sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List come together to share their best practices, discuss solutions and forge a path forward together. The 4th edition will be held in the Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve (USA) from 4-9 September 2019.World Heritage marine managers all face similar challenges in protecting their special ocean place from ...

» Source: UNESCO (Events)

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico - València Parc Tecnològic - Gustave Eiffel, 4 - 46980 Paterna - Valencia, SPAIN
(+34) 96 136 60 40 info@nemosineproject.eu