In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the NEMOSINE project topic.

01/04/2023 - THE STATE OF ART 21, October 2023, Verona
01/04/2023 - 20th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference - Early Bird Registration until 16th April
25/03/2023 - Pioneer of precious taonga conservation: Dilys Johns
25/03/2023 - Next thematic issue of Revista PH
18/03/2023 - Preventative Conservator
18/03/2023 - PRACTICAL SCIENCE FOR CONSERVATORS IX: Polarized Light Microscopy for Conservators: A Fast, Powerful and Economical Analytical Tool
18/03/2023 - The Application of Forensic Science and Technology in the Art Trade
11/03/2023 - Book Review: Practical Considerations for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
11/03/2023 - Collaboration is the way to face climate change issues in conservation
11/03/2023 - Opportunities Fund: Open for Applications
11/03/2023 - Wood Science and Technology III: methods to examine panel paintings and their preventive and remedial conservation
11/03/2023 - Assistant/associate professorship in the field of photographic techniques
04/03/2023 - Nominations for the 2023 Plowden Medal Conservation Award
25/02/2023 - Mental wellness and conservation work
25/02/2023 - Works on Paper - Conservation Manager
25/02/2023 - Mellon Fellowship in Paintings Conservation Chrysler Museum and the Hampton University Museum
18/02/2023 - Conservator for Costume and Textiles (FT-term),Chicago History Museum, Chicago, IL
18/02/2023 - UCLA/Getty Conservation Program Distinguished Lecture: Ihor Poshyvailo "Identity War in Ukraine. The Power of Cultural Resistance"
11/02/2023 - Talk: Study of 16th and 17th century lacquered Luso-Asian artifacts, Uncovering complex dynamics of cross-cultural exchange reflected in their heterogeneous composition
News: 1609 - Nº Pages 81
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


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