In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the NEMOSINE project topic.

11/02/2019 - Call for nominations - 2019 UNESCO-Greece Melina Mercouri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes
15/02/2019 - UNESCO-Africa-China Forum on World Heritage Capacity Building and Cooperation
26/02/2019 - Workshop "Flood Prevention in Havana": Towards the design of integrated solutions
08/03/2019 - Call for applications, deadline 6 May 2019: Capacity Building Workshop on Nature-Culture Linkages in Asia and the Pacific
12/03/2019 - Capacity Building Workshop for Team Leaders of the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Initiative
28/03/2019 - World Heritage Site Managers Forum 2019
05/04/2019 - Workshop on mixed site management in the Asia-Pacific
10/04/2019 - Workshop: Past, Present and Future of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment
10/04/2019 - Training on the preservation of wooden architectural monuments
16/04/2019 - Seventh Annual Coordination Meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage-Related Category 2 Institutes & Centres
16/04/2019 - Deadline 15 July 2019: Nominations submissions for UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Conservation
24/04/2019 - Cultural Landscape Workshop and International Panel Members Meeting to be held in Bhutan
02/05/2019 - International Expert Meeting - Conservation and sustainable use of the World Heritage property Historical Monuments of Mtskheta and its setting / Living Religious and Sacred World Heritage in a Historic Urban Context
04/06/2019 - Information and Orientation session in view of the 43rd session of the World Heritage Committee
14/06/2019 - A new network of young cultural heritage professionals emerges from a UNESCO/EU project
18/06/2019 - Meeting of Arab States World Heritage Site Manager in Manama in the framework of Periodic Reporting
20/06/2019 - Properties of Religious Interest Sharing Best Practices in World Heritage Management
20/06/2019 - Silk Roads Heritage Corridors Management Workshop and Closing Meeting of UNESCO/Japan Funds-in-Trust Project in Almaty, Kazakhstan
24/06/2019 - Invitation: Building Leadership for Climate Adaptation of Coral Reefs
02/07/2019 - Invitation: Planning the Reconstruction and Recovery of World Heritage: the case of the Ancient City of Aleppo in Syria
Events: 331 - Nº Pages 17
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


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