In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the NEMOSINE project topic.

04/03/2020 - International Workshop: Building together the future of heritage sites in the Balkans
22/08/2020 - Online Meeting: Lessons learned from Covid-19 for marine World Heritage protection and community well-being
10/10/2020 - Call for Application (Deadline 26 October 2020): Sustainable Heritage Management Foundation Course
03/10/2020 - Periodic Reporting in Africa: Online Workshop on Data Analysis and Report Synthesis
26/09/2020 - Online Information meeting for all Permanent Delegations regarding the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee
26/09/2020 - Online Workshop on Data Analysis and Report Synthesis in the Framework of the Third Periodic Reporting in the Africa Region
12/09/2020 - Heritage Night 2020 Spanish World Heritage Cities Group
12/09/2020 - ICOMOS Webinar Series: Cultural heritage solutions for water challenges
12/09/2020 - Les Grands Ateliers launch the first edition of "Earth, Women and Know-how"
05/09/2020 - Periodic Reporting in Asia and the Pacific - Preparatory Online Consultation
05/09/2020 - Heritage Night 2020
22/08/2020 - Honduras will celebrate with virtual activities the 40th anniversary of Maya Site of Copan as a World Heritage Site
23/06/2020 - Culture|2030 Indicators Online Expert Workshop
05/03/2020 - Workshops on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in India
25/05/2020 - *Postponed until further notice* ICOMOS 20th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
16/06/2020 - World Heritage City Webinar 17 June: Re-thinking Urban Heritage for Recovery and Resilience
17/06/2020 - World Heritage City Webinar 17 June: Re-thinking Urban Heritage for Recovery and Resilience
18/07/2020 - Online Meeting: How to successfully build resilience-based management at your marine World Heritage site?
25/07/2020 - World Heritage Centre Celebrates 30-Year Anniversary of the Silk Roads Project and Launch of the Digital Archive of the Silk Roads
18/07/2020 - Online Meeting: Biodiversity and Covid-19
Events: 331 - Nº Pages 17
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


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