In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the NEMOSINE project topic.

05/12/2020 - TERRAFIBRA Global Award in Contemporary Earthen and Plant Fibre-based Architectures
05/12/2020 - Capacity building on sustainable tourism strategies for “The Industrial Heritage of Barbados: The Story of Sugar and Rum”
12/12/2020 - Online Training for the Periodic Reporting Exercise in Asia and the Pacific: Factors Affecting the Properties
19/12/2020 - Online Training for the Periodic Reporting Exercise in Asia and the Pacific: Reporting on Natural Heritage
19/12/2020 - Online Training for the Periodic Reporting Exercise in Asia and the Pacific: The Pacific SIDS
16/01/2021 - Online Training for the Periodic Reporting Exercise in Asia and the Pacific: Maps & Boundaries
01/05/2021 - African World Heritage Day Live Instagram Concert #MyAfricanHeritage
05/06/2021 - WHITRAP launches a call for Global Innovative Case Studies on World Heritage for the Side Event on World Heritage Education for the Future organized at the occasion of the 44th Session of World Heritage Committee (Fuzhou, China)
29/05/2021 - Masterclass on Sustainable Development & World Heritage Conservation in Bangladesh (2-3 June 2021)
29/05/2021 - Call for Applications: 4th World Heritage Site Managers' Forum
29/05/2021 - WHITRAP launches a call for Global Innovative Case Studies on World Heritage Education for the Side Event on World Heritage Education for the Future organized at the occasion of the 44th Session of World Heritage Committee (Fuzhou, China)
22/05/2021 - Online Meeting: How to manage invasive alien species at marine World Heritage sites?
15/05/2021 - Building capacity in managing World Heritage properties, interconnection of development and heritage preservation in Uzbekistan and Central Asia
15/05/2021 - Sub-regional workshop for South Asian Silk Roads Transboundary Serial Nomination and Cultural Landscape Initiatives, 19-21 May, 2021, Kathmandu, Nepal
08/05/2021 - Call for Applications for the 4th edition of the World Heritage Site Managers' Forum
01/05/2021 - Webinar| Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want
23/01/2021 - First meeting of the open-ended working group of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention in conformity with Resolution 22 GA 10
06/02/2021 - Online Training for the Periodic Reporting Exercise in Asia and the Pacific: Outstanding Universal Value & Attributes
30/01/2021 - First meeting of the open-ended working group of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention with the mandate to develop a Code of Conduct, or a Statement of Ethical Principles or equivalent text
06/03/2021 - Online Training for the Periodic Reporting Exercise in Asia and the Pacific: Question & Answer Session Section II
Events: 331 - Nº Pages 17
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


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