In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the NEMOSINE project topic.

02/08/2019 - Advances in Horizontal Merger Policy and Selected Public Policy Topics
02/08/2019 - Digital Environment for Cultural Interfaces; Promoting Heritage, Education and Research
02/08/2019 - CULTivating Understanding and Research through Adaptivity
02/08/2019 - Measurement, Effect Assessment and Mitigation of Pollutant Impact on Movable Cultural Assets. – Innovative Research for Market Transfer
02/08/2019 - Vienna Biocenter European Researchers Night
02/08/2019 - Efficient ENergy for EU Cultural Heritage
02/08/2019 - Compressed Sensing for Remote Imaging in Aerial and Terrestrial Surveillance
02/08/2019 - Radiography of the past. Integrated non-destructive approaches to understand and valorise complex archaeological sites
02/08/2019 - PaN-data Europe Strategic Working Group
02/08/2019 - Personalised Access To cultural Heritage Spaces
02/08/2019 - Dreamings, Songlines and the “Cult of Heritage”: Tourism Development and Aboriginal Culture in Broome, Western Australia
02/08/2019 - Sociological identification of the actors, practices, discourses and technologies involved in the conservation of media-art works
02/08/2019 - Jews and Slavs in the Middle Ages: Interaction and Cross-Fertilization
02/08/2019 - Protecting space assets from high energy particles by developing European dynamic modelling and forecasting capabilities
02/08/2019 - Laser technologies in the analysis, conservation and restoration of historic stained glass windows
02/08/2019 - From the earliest modern humans to the onset of farming (45,000-4,500 BP): the role of climate, life-style, health, migration and selection in shaping European population history
02/08/2019 - Cultural Heritage of Christian Ethiopia: Salvation, Preservation and Research
02/08/2019 - Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change
02/08/2019 - Determinants of Eurosceptical Voting Behavior in CEE Countries and Party Responses
02/08/2019 - Performance-based approach to the earthquake protection of cultural heritage in European and Mediterranean countries
Offers/Demands: 698 - Nº Pages 35
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 760801


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